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    Home Ip Enforcement Action

    Criminal Action :-Our agency also provides assistance in executing civil raids and criminal raids against infringers selling/ offering for sale counterfeit products includes search & seizure action directly through the police. In case of a criminal action, the accused is imprisoned; however, the claim of damages does not subsist. Goods are stored in the police warehouse and subsequently destroyed and Preparation of a detailed raid report.

    Civil Action:-Pre-raid brief investigation to ascertain whether the counterfeit goods are indeed available with the infringer and involves filing of a civil suit for injunction, damages and search and seizure action through the assistance of Court Commissioner. An ex-parte injunction order is obtained and a raid is organised & executed. Damages are claimed against the infringer, however, there are no arrests made. Seized goods are destroyed after complete adjudication of the case.

    Execution of the actual search and seizure raid which includes liasoning with the appointed L.C. and police officials; and

    Preparation of a detailed raid report

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